Sunday, June 14, 2009

My New Calling at Church

I was sitting in church today as I noticed Eden (left) wiggling her tooth. I leaned over to tell her that I had pulled 2 teeth of Breck's just a few days ago and that I would love to pull hers if she would let me. I never thought she would actually consider it. But to my surprise she said "yes". We walked to the girls bathroom before primary where we quickly pulled her tooth. Then after church the mother of Kaitlyn (right) told me that she had a tooth to be told. Kaitlyn was a little hesitant, but she agreed. I think that both Kaitlyn and I panicked as we heard and felt the snapping of her roots, but we made it quick and hopefully painless. There were no tears:)


The Hansen Clan said...

Thank you for doing what I was too chicken to do myself :) Katelyn loved the brownies and now Brooke says she has a loose tooth! Thanks again.

jessica said...

You have no idea how relieved I am to have that darn tooth out of Eden's mouth. She had me wiggling that thing a dozen times a day for the past few weeks. Seriously thank you for making MY day!

White's said...

How funny! I could never do that. I had a hard enough time getting my own teeth out when I was a kid. Tiffany

UnknownSideEffect said...

This cracks me up because it's just what grandma MJB would do! That tooth pulling instinct must run deep. Just be careful who you offer your services to :-)


Lindsi said...

You're getting quite the clientel! You also pulled Brooklyn's tooth while we were out of town! She was so excited to tell us! She said she didn't even cry. I have to wrestle her to the ground to pull her teeth. Why is it so easy for you?