Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The News Is Out!!

So maybe this isn't new news to all, but we're adding a new addition to our family! So why did I wait so long to post this news? Well, I think we need another lesson on the birds and the bees because we're still trying to figure out how this happened. We were done and happy with four beautiful children. But then Addie had to go ask Santa Claus for a baby sister for Christmas. We tried our hardest to help her understand that Santa can't provide those kinds of gifts, it's up to the parents. (Sounds like we'll be waiting a while to tell Addie the secret about Santa) She's a believer! It took us some time to get over the shock. I've spent most of the last 6 weeks in bed, very sick. So here comes the excitement now that the shock and the nausea is wearing off!


Janelle said...

Congratulations! This is exciting news! You have such beautiful kids, why not add one more! My kids were asking for a baby brother the other day! But I quickly told them this mom was done! That would take me a long time to get over the shock factor! Good luck! Hope you get feeling better soon!

Chelsi said...

We are so excited for you!!!!

team howey said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!

M. Fritze said...

Yeah, you guys really need to have a chat with Santa! Glad you are over the sick... that is the worst! Super excited to share a baby year with you!!