Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My heart couldn't take it!

I know these things happen all the time, but not usually in your own back yard.
This poor, young deer had an injured leg and has been hobbling around our back yard for the past week. Yesterday, she found a nice resting spot near our back yard as she couldn't seem to walk anymore. It broke my heart everytime she tried, with all her might, to stand up. She sat here for hours. That's when I heard barking. I ran to my back yard to find 2 domestic dogs trying to drag the deer every which way. I couldn't take it, so I yelled at the dogs and scared them off. I felt so bad for this deer, yet it didn't make a sound. My neighbor called the cops and they came and put her out of her misery and drug her away. It was an emotional morning.


jess and lacy said...

oh my gosh, that is the SADDEST story ever :-(

UnknownSideEffect said...

That is so sad and awful! Strange, too, that it played out in your own backyard. Life isn't supposed to be that way.